As mentioned in one of my previous posts, I have joined a club on campus called the Outdoor Pursuits Club. The club hosts 5 main activities, including "hill walking", rock climbing, caving, orienteering, and mountaineering. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays are for open climbing at the bouldering gym, Wednesdays are caving days, and every weekend there is some type of trip. The pictures below are from one of the best hiking destinations in Ireland, Kerry Way. The morning started out rainy as we hiked through the grasslands, but cleared up as we made it across rivers, through a haunted swamp, up the mountains through the "windy gap", and down a valley to our ending location at a local pub. I hope you enjoy!
** I have to note that we took so many beautiful pictures on this trip. I had a very hard time deciding which pictures to post, but tried cutting it down as much as possible!
Our fearless leaders of the day. They worked hard to accommodate 40 more people after the trip signup date since so many people are interested in the club and wanted to go on this trip. I am so glad I got to be one of them!
First large lookout over a "loch" or lake formed by a glacier!
The haunted gathering place:
After hiking in open land for much of the hike, we ventured into the forest to this beautiful, hidden valley in the woods. To the right of the path in the picture below, is a cliff that leads down into a large swamp area. This place was used during the time when it was illegal to perform Catholic religious services. When a service was being held, lookouts would be stationed at the top of the cliffs, but one day, the lookouts fell asleep. Protestant soldiers arrived and beheaded the priest during his sermon in front of all of the Catholic people. This same event happened once more before the location was abandoned for any future religious gatherings.
Back to hiking after our story break - still another 3-4 hours till we reach the windy gap!
The sun came out!
The pictures from here on out are from views as we started making our way up the mountains. The views from the top were absolutely stunning. It was a steep, windy climb after a long hike through the grasslands, but a trek that was definitely one to remember.
Camilla and I at a short stopping point before we reached the top.
Finally at the "Windy Gap" - we had been told about this all morning long, but did not know what all the talk was about until we finally reached the top. The Windy Gap is a gap between two of the mountain peaks on the hike. I almost fell off a few rocks while climbing up- it was crazy! We stopped here for quite a long time to take pictures of the landscapes from both sides of the mountains. One direction was views of the mountains and grasslands from which we had come. The other side was, well, just take a look below. An incredible view into the city and beaches in Kerry.